Home appliance repair services in Nairobi


At Nairobi Repair we diagnose, repair and service most  of home appliances mainly; washing machine, cooker and oven, printers, laptops, lawn mowers, fridge and freezers, treadmills, dish washer, water dispenser among other home and office appliences in Nairobi. We are an electronic company based in Nairobi CBD

1. Laundry room appliances repair
Washing machine repair
Clothe dryer
2. Kitchen appliance repair service
Cooker and oven repair
Dishwasher repair and servicing
Microwave repair
Fridge and freezer repair
3. Electronics repair and maintenance
TV (television) and home theater repair
4. Fitness/gym equipment repair and servicing
Treadmill repair
Elliptical machine
Stationary bikes
5. Outdoor power equipment
Lawn mower repair
Riding mower and push mower
6. Others
Aquarium repair and maintenance in Nairobi

water dispenser repair services

for more information visit out website. http://www.nairobirepair.com

Fridge, Freezer, Refrigerator Repair in Nairobi Kenya
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